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How Much Money Can You Make While on AISH?


If you’re a single parent dealing with severe disability, financial stability can be particularly challenging. Thankfully, there are resources available to help. One such resource in Alberta, Canada is AISH, or Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped.

AISH provides financial and health-related assistance to eligible adults with a disability. The disability must be permanent and substantially limit the person’s ability to earn a living. AISH is designed to cover basic needs like food, clothing, transportation, and shelter.

What is the AISH Income Limit?

The maximum monthly living allowance that an individual can receive from AISH is $1,685. However, AISH payments can be comprised of several components: a living allowance, child benefits, and health benefits.

The living allowance is meant to cover basic needs and varies depending on your situation and the number of dependents you have. Child benefits are available for recipients with dependent children under the age of 18 (or under 20 if they are still in high school). Health benefits can help cover the cost of prescription drugs, dental care, emergency ambulance services, essential diabetic supplies, and some over-the-counter medications.

Earning While on AISH

As a single parent on AISH, you may still want to work to supplement your income. But how much can you earn without affecting your AISH payments?

The good news is that you can earn up to $800 per month without any impact on your benefits. This is known as the “exemption limit”. If you earn more than $800 in a month, only 50% of the amount above the exemption limit will be deducted from your AISH benefit.

For example, if you earn $1,000 in a month (which is $200 more than the $800 exemption limit), only $100 (50% of $200) would be deducted from your next AISH payment.

Other Income and Benefits

If you’re receiving other forms of income, such as child support or rental income, these may also affect your AISH payments. For instance, child support is considered exempt income and will not affect your AISH benefits. However, rental income is not exempt and could result in a reduction of your AISH benefits.

Beyond the financial assistance, AISH recipients are also eligible for additional benefits, including personal benefits for specific needs like special diets, guide dogs, or transportation for medical appointments. There are also crisis assistance programs available for unexpected emergencies.

Tips for Maximizing Income While on AISH

While navigating the intricacies of AISH can be challenging, there are strategies to help maximize your income.

First, keep track of your earnings. It is vital to report accurately to avoid any overpayment situations which could result in having to pay back benefits.

Secondly, consider seeking part-time work or self-employment opportunities that allow you to earn up to the monthly exemption limit. This can help supplement your income without reducing your AISH benefits.

Lastly, familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of AISH. Knowledge is power – understanding the system will help you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.


As a single parent with a disability, balancing your health needs with financial responsibilities can be overwhelming. However, AISH provides valuable resources to help manage this challenge.

Remember that while AISH provides a basic living allowance, you have the potential to earn additional income within certain limits. Other sources of income may also impact your AISH payments, so it’s critical to understand these guidelines.

Don’t hesitate to seek advice and support when needed. Whether it’s from a social worker, financial advisor, or fellow AISH recipient – there are people ready and willing to help. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure you have access to the financial resources necessary for you and your family to live a comfortable and dignified life.

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