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Do You Get Bond Money Back?

When moving into a new property, few things are as perplexing as the concept of bond money. You have just signed a lease agreement, and as if the rent wasn’t enough of a financial commitment, you’re also required to pay a significant sum as bond money. So what is this bond money? And the big question, do you get your bond money back? Let’s dive into this topic to unravel the answers.

Understanding Bonds

A rental bond, also known as a security deposit, serves as financial security for the landlord against potential damage, unpaid rent or bills. It’s a one-time payment made by the tenant before moving into the property. This is different from your regular rent which is a recurring payment for occupying the property.

In legal terms, the bond is essentially a form of surety. In case of any disputes or property damage, this bond can be claimed by the landlord to cover their losses. However, if all conditions of the lease agreement are met by the tenant, this bond money is returned in full at the end of tenancy.

Conditions for Bond Money Return

The return of bond money is contingent on certain conditions. Primarily, you should leave the property in the same condition as it was at the start of your lease, barring normal wear and tear. If there has been no damage to the property, no outstanding rent or bills and no breach of lease conditions, you can expect to get your bond money back.

However, there are scenarios where your bond money may not be returned in full or at all. If you have damaged the property, left unpaid rent or bills, or breached any terms of your lease agreement, your landlord may claim part or all of your bond to cover these costs.

The Bond Refund Process

If you’ve maintained the property well and abided by your lease agreement, you’d naturally want to know how to get your bond money back. Here’s the step-by-step process:

  1. Notify your landlord or real estate agent in writing that you intend to move out.

  2. Complete a bond refund form and submit it to the bond authority.

  3. The bond authority will notify your landlord, who has a set number of days to dispute the refund.

  4. If there is no dispute, the bond money is returned to you.

The bond authority plays a crucial role in this process. They’re responsible for holding onto your bond money and ensuring that it’s returned to you if all conditions are met.

The timeframe for getting your bond money back can vary, but it usually happens within 14 days after submitting the refund form, provided there are no disputes raised by your landlord.

Factors that could affect your Bond Refund

While it’s expected that normal wear and tear will occur during your tenancy, any significant property damage could impact your bond refund. This could include broken windows or appliances, significant stains on carpets or walls, or any alterations made without landlord consent.

Unpaid rent or bills can also be deducted from your bond. Similarly, if the property requires professional cleaning or repairs beyond what’s deemed normal wear and tear, these costs could also come out of your bond.

Tips to Ensure Full Return of Bond Money

To increase your chances of getting your full bond back, here are some tips:

  • Leave the property in good condition. This involves regular maintenance and prompt reporting of any issues.

  • Pay all outstanding bills. This includes rent and utilities.

  • Communicate effectively with your landlord or real estate agent. Clear communication helps avoid misunderstandings about property conditions or lease agreements.


In summary, yes, you do get your bond money back, provided you meet all conditions of your lease agreement. However, there are factors like property damage and unpaid bills that could affect the return of your bond money.

To get your bond money back in full, it’s important to be a responsible tenant. Regular property maintenance, prompt payment of rent and bills, and effective communication with your landlord or real estate agent can go a long way in ensuring the return of your bond money.

Remember, your bond is not extra rent; it’s security for the landlord. Treat the property with respect, fulfill your responsibilities, and your bond money will be returned to you at the end of your tenancy. So, here’s to a successful tenancy and the full return of your bond money!

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